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About Ophthalmology Department

Services provided include glaucoma, diabetic and hypertensive retinopathy, diabetic screening, Linor ophthalmic procedures, chalazion excision, corneal foreign body removal and post OP Lasik care. Other than this, our highly trained doctors provide medical and surgical care of the eyes that also include management of refractive errors, anterior segment disorders and prescription for spectacles.

Our state-of-the-art vision testing facility (a first in the private sector in Oman) and comprehensive ophthalmic care make us one of the most preferred hospitals for patients with eye problems.

Our Ophthalmology Specialist

DR Keerthan Peralaya

Specialist Ophthalmologist MBBS, MS (Ophthal), Fellow Comprehensive Ophthalmology Salalah (Oman) Request An Appointment + View Doctor +

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